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Black White and Shades of Greyy

  Black White


  Shades of Greyy


  E. M. Frear

  Black White and Shades of Greyy

  Copyright 2012 ElissaBeth M Frear

  All rights reserved.


  This book was written for my children who have always enjoyed the story of Greyy and her antics.

  I would like to thank those characters that were instrumental in making Greyy who and what she was.

  Thank you to my husband who encouraged me and stood by me through the entire birthing process of this saga.

  Mom, your encouragement and desire to know what Greyy was up to next was so much more encouraging than I can possibly express, thank you.

  I love you all and thank you.

  The World of


  Chapter 1

  Lazy clouds dotting the crystal blue sky gazed over the countryside keeping watch over the world of Elisand. Small towns and villages mingled with large cities and separated by vast forests and deep seas belied the turmoil that brought the world to its current pattern.

  Thick woods and high mountains made a natural barrier between habitable lands. The few flat places were once battle grounds for bloody wars. Most of the turmoil was over trade and farming rights, but all were vicious.

  Small family units would unite with others to form larger factions that would rise against one another until they all but destroyed themselves.

  Large family clans that had built strength and resources over many years began to rise up and find the futility of the fighting. Finding peace between the clans had moved to the forefront of the attention given to politics, along with establishing productive trade and commerce within the smaller outlying clans.

  Several generations passed and the wars began to fizzle. The Clans of Men came together to form an Empire, the strongest of the Clans held the power appointing the lesser ones to positions of importance. The Clan of Prescott reigned and governed the lands over many decades bringing peace to the lands.

  The beginning of the reign of Clan Prescott saw a massive eruption from one of the tallest peaks in the land. The volcano severely altered the maps and boundaries along with the lives of people living around its base. The event was dubbed “The Great Catastrophe” and set in motion events that none could foresee or plan. Blind faith in the ruling government was no longer sufficient. Peasants in remote villages began to seek new deities and superstitions in order to protect from further chaos and destruction.

  The Great Catastrophe also revealed races that had been well hidden within the deep forests. These races were seen by some to be Supernatural beings and therefore worshiped or revered as such. The trades between towns and villages were cut across lands belonging to people groups with little regard to the cultures that were represented. Some roads cut through the Dark Woods were rarely traveled leaving the myths and legends of fantastic creatures and terrifying entities firmly intact. The fear and superstition was not entirely unfounded.

  Even many years after the volcano people were still terrified of darkness. They looked to their Emperor to alleviate suspicions and fears. When Emperor Prescott IV came to power his desire was to unite the outlying Clans by taking a wife of a neighboring family as a show of good faith. Beatrice was the eldest daughter of Chief Gilesby. She was of legendary beauty and grace and the people loved her.

  Chief Gilesby was the Commandant of the Empirical Guard and had training stations set in several strategic locations all around the Empire. The union between the Empirical family and that of the Gilesby Clan was greatly desired and the fact that the Emperor and Beatrice enjoyed each other was an added benefit.

  The Chief's greatest fear was meeting the creature that belonged to the soft glowing yellow eyes he would at times glimpse while traveling in the forests surrounding Port Gilesby. He went to his grave never fully knowing what those creatures were, but before he died he instilled in his children the fear and contempt for those things not easily understood. With prejudice firmly instilled Beatrice influenced the Emperor in also distrusting those things not easily explained.

  High on a tall sweeping butte overlooking a thriving metropolis stood a castle fortress where the Emperor and his bride ruled the lands claimed by his family for generations. Emperor Prescott IV and Empress Beatrice governed with fairness and an open mind, to those of their own race. But a deep prejudice threatened the civility of the different people groups within the lands near their kingdom. There are two people groups that the Empire held in deep disgust, the Enchanted Tabaxi and the pointed ear Elf.

  Chapter 2

  Ice blue sky kissed with fluffy white clouds wrap an envelope of untainted serenity around the thick mass of foliage of the Tabaxi home lands.  They are a tall sleek and elegant race remarkably feline in appearance with a deep intelligence and understanding of their world.  Their clear yellow eyes with hints of gold and bronze have a clear view through the undergrowth and an uncanny ability to see in dark places.  Long bodies and fierce retractable claws make high tree tops the desired vantage points for observation and ambush.  These Savage felines speak in the language of their ancestors, but with a growling purr have adopted the language common to Man.  They have a hierarchy and established rules and order along with a deeply spiritual reverence for the world in which they live. They are highly curious and more apt to take a secret than to give one.  

  Surrounded by the sea and separated from other clans the Cat Race are uniquely embracing of the water.  Uncommon for felines these people enjoy the water and will often be seen playing in tide pools or bathing in small inlets and fresh water springs hidden deep within their jungle home.  Primitive in their life style and surroundings but sly in the use of environment their tools and toys echo the nature of the habitat.

  The Mystic Cats are also given to summoning the land and sky in order to assist in their investigation of new areas. Sailors from all over the world have told stories and tales of mysterious land masses appearing from the mist only to fade again as quickly as they appear. These enchanted oases in the sea are told to be avoided at all cost.  

  Chapter 3

  All the Elves hold a place in the Emperor’s heart of deep disdain. None are sure the reasoning behind the obvious dislike of the elegant people separated by the mountains, but the fact remains any Elf caught within the Kingdom will be treated with disfavor and deep disgust.

  Trade routes remained intact but interaction was not encouraged. Merchants from the Elf home lands were far from welcomed but human traders were often sent to sell wares at exaggerated prices over the mountains. When it was discovered that Elf lands held resources far superior to that of the lands of the Empire the hostilities became even fiercer.

  Several mountain passes cut through the lands of Dark Elves, who are known for their deep earth magic and brutal ferocity. These passes required the Emperor to establish a police force known as the Royal Elisandrian Guards. They were a trained militia paid for with taxes by the Crown. One of the grand accomplishments of Emperor Prescott IV and his Empress was the establishment of an organized military. The Guards patrolled the land and the Sandarian Navy patrolled the waterways. Prominent families well known to be friends of the Empire held high positions in both branches, regardless of capabilities of the specific individual. Blatant disregard to obvious talent set several families at odds with established governmental officials. Even with minor turbulence within the ranks the military was becoming a force to be recognized.

  Chapter 4

  Nestled deep in a lost glade on the back side of a thick forest lays a river dug by glaciers and hewn by the very mountains th
at surround. Just at the point where the horizon greets the sky and kisses the celestial bodies sits an emerald jewel surrounded by crystal waters. This lush landscape abandoned by travelers and explorers is a home to a people who have, for centuries, frolicked and played, reared children and lived lives undisturbed. Observing and respecting the beauty of the earth beneath their feet these Highland Elves passed each day in peace and tranquility with little thought of the ways of Man.

  Families built cozy homes nestled in the trees, played with birds and forest creatures and learned the arts of magic and hunt. Greyylene and her family lived and learned in these woods high above the cares of mortals. As a young Elvin maiden she was taught the life of high society and etiquette, although she hated most of the pomp and circumstance. Her sister, the lovely yet frail Amadia, longed to be part of the teachings, yet because she was younger was not allowed to attend the classes. But the affection shared by the sisters ran deep as the glacier lake and just as lovely. Lessons taught to one would be learned by both.

  They were siblings so tightly woven together as to not tell where one ended and the other began. They were opposites, yet their bond was that of the sun and moon. Sweet Amadia, with her delicate features and quiet personality dressed in soft linens and lush cotton skirts, was the balance to Greyylene’s brash and headstrong fiery wit. Amadia took to the magic and study of the nature around her, where Greyylene grasped the bow belted her leather flared pant and became the terror of the forest. So fierce was the love and bond of the sisters that even those beaux who would try to woo one without the other would need be wary for any emotional damage would be met with severe repercussions.

  The girls learned their loyalty from parents who found that love tempered with fair discipline and affection produced offspring with a deep sense of justice, patience, and compassion. As the small family grew in age and beauty their bond also became one of unrivaled magnitude. Other families in the Glade looked and admired them as an example of love and family devotion.

  Even when the girls were apart they would send small birds with notes back and forth to one another. They developed their own little code and secret language, thinking they were so terribly clever and witty. Amadia taught simple potions and herbal mixtures to her older sibling, and in turn was shown the fine craft of sewing animal skins together to create beautiful clothing. They would lie under the stars in a small clearing and talk for hours just watching the night dance before them. At times they would fall asleep in the peaceful embrace of the forest breeze and moonlight kisses.

  Chapter 5

  Age to the Elf is recognized in relation to centuries lived and the ages passed. Greyylene and her sister were young in comparison to the Human calendar. They had both witnessed the vast destruction from the mighty eruption that formed their bit of paradise. They remember watching the land heal itself and create again the beauty from the scars of mass destruction.

  Although birthdays were not of such great importance, some milestones were recognized. The morning of Greyylene’s 100th year rose clear and bright. It was greeted by waves of lush green and cheers of birds and woodland animals. The girls each woke in their unique ways to usher in a new day. Greyylene growled at the sun shining in her eyes and tried to roll over to return to the dream so rudely interrupted. Amadia yawned and stretched smiling at the sweet golden rays and chirping birds. Once the morning had begun adventure for these two siblings was free to rule the day. Neither was prepared for the twist of fortunes that waited just beyond the horizons.

  Amadia, firmly grounded to the earth collected her basket and clippers to gather herbs and spices for cooking and other “experiments”. Greyylene snatched her bow and donned her quiver and with a quick hug, kiss and a pat on the head from her parents leapt into action chasing unseen foes and villains.

  Leaping through tree tops and swinging from branches like a Monkey, the wild huntress was stunned into utter stillness by a sight she found appalling. Climbing to the top of a nearby tree she watched as a small band of husky men came for the sheer purpose of harvesting the forest of its foliage. One after another the trees were cut and hauled to the water. Not only had they not asked permission of the Forest to steal in such a manner, but the surrounding waters were unfriendly and deep. The lake had been forged by a great glacier and ran as deep as the mountains are tall. At the opening of the surrounding lands drops a long ferocious waterfall. How these shortsighted individuals could possibly hope to keep their ill-gotten gains seemed a mystery to the young Elf.

  Rushing back to the settlement to warn the Elders she was greeted with rebuke for interrupting and foolish babbling. There would be no way any Humans would enter this region unnoticed or uninvited. Undaunted and irritated she returned to her look out post, after stopping to see her sister and share with her the grand adventure unfolding before them. Even Amadia, her sweet sister and closest friend, ridiculed the absurdity of such a notion. In a huff Greyylene stormed off to continue the investigation on her own.

  Expecting to be home for the late evening meal full of stories and proof of what she had seen she climbed a tree closer to where the men worked so as to get a much better view. Her ability to move throughout the forest unseen was a great asset in hunting, and proved quite useful here if not a little foolish. The actions of the men were foreign and confusing to her. Why would anyone want to cut down all the trees? Pondering questions and fighting the irritation of those in the village, not to mention completely bored from watching men cut trees Greyylene grew tired and fell asleep at the top of a large pine. It was only the hacking and sawing at the base of her tree that woke her. By the time she understood what was happening it was far too late. Dropping her bow she held to the great tree as it plummeted into the icy waters to make its maiden voyage to the bottom of the falls downstream.

  Chapter 6

  Hours turned into days and Greyylene was nowhere to be found. Her family was franticly searching for her to no avail. Even the search party that was assembled had a difficult time finding her track in the thick underbrush. Her skill at fading into the surrounding areas was making any search for her near impossible. Because she had stayed to the tops of the trees she left no footprints in the soft forest floor.

  Suddenly their fortune seemed to change when one of the Scouts found the bow that had been dropped. The same time they found the bow was the same time they heard the voices from the Humans who had come to harvest their forest. The realization that the reports originally brought were true turned into an uneasy sense of dread. Quickly hiding behind trees the search party listened for any clue as to the location of the lost citizen. The language of the strangers was not familiar and it was decided that they needed to at least try to communicate if for no other reason than to get these men off their lands.

  The first tall warrior to step out of the shadows and towered above the Men seemed to be such an unusual sight that the strangers almost fell back into the waters. When more stepped forward the terror was complete. The tall Highland Elves are not so much a frightening sight as they are impressive. Long willowy figures with light skin marked with forest designs and hair that echoed the colors of gold and bronze, bright shining eyes and a fierce gaze that seem to cut straight to the heart of a matter add to the elegant air they present. The leader of the search party stepped forward to try to communicate the need for information.

  Standing tall and proud the Elf firmly planted his staff into the soft sand and in the language of his people stated that they had lost a girl and wondered if they knew where she could be found. The puzzled looks and dumbfounded silence were all he had in return. The men shook their heads and threw hands to the air in surrender making it obvious that this was not going in the intended direction. The sudden rustle and commotion from the forest made everyone jump. Flying through the brush in a frenzied panic rushed Amadia breaking through the line of warriors and scouts. She stood before the men and without a word she held up the
bow that dropped and pointed to herself then made a gesture of a ‘second’ standing next to her.

  Amadia’s piercing green eyes and long auburn hair adorned with feathers and shells made her pleading clear and the pain in her heart alive and broad cast through her entire being. The men seemed not only to understand what she was wanting, but knew the answer to their search. They pointed to a tree and making a ‘falling’ motion to the water pointing downstream it became clear what had happened. The tree fell and floated down the river with a passenger. The sorrow and agony that over took the young Amadia was felt by all including the Humans, but the anger and loathing for those who had come uninvited felt by her parents was an inferno of passion and resolve to rid the land of these fiends who had taken their child.

  So violent was the eruption of Elvin fury that even the others of the tribe were stunned. The couple flew from their places in the part and tore at the Human invaders with such speed and ferocity their damage was complete before the Elders had time to quiet them. The couple was dragged away by the others in the party and returned to the village to await a directive from the Council. Waiting for the verdict of their fate for actions taken against the Humans the shattered family found little solace in the simple routines of the day. They were forced back to their home and instructed to remain until a time when a search would be possible.

  Chapter 7

  They did comply with the instructions for the moment. That evening after forcing food to stay in their mouths and stomachs they watched Amadia cry herself to sleep. So exhausted she never even stirred as her parents prepared for their night of mayhem and murder. Donning armor and weapons the couple softly kissed their remaining child and gazed down at her as if knowing it would be the last time they would ever see her. Turning to gaze one last time at their home ripped asunder by events far beyond their control they melted into the darkness on a mission of cemented passion and folly.

  Reaching the small camp at the edge of the river the couple’s silent rage tore into the night. Unleashing a torrent of outrage at the accident that tore their daughter from them the elf couple left in their wake a string of bloodied bodies. The men of the quiet lumberjack camp were hardly recognizable after the fury was unleashed. This event sealed their place as outlaws as they single handedly massacred the remaining lumberjack camp. The thorough completion of their attack left none to carry the news or to return to the main lands. Stealing a small boat used to guide logs downstream they awkwardly maneuvered the craft to the shores of the mainland.